
Monsanto Tribunal and People’s Assembly, The Hague, 14-16 October 2016

Opening of People's Assembly Corinne Lepage

Opening of People's Assembly: Emilie Gaillard

Opening of People's Assembly : Vandana Shiva

Opening of People's Assembly: Ronnie Cummins

Opening of People's Assembly : Andre Leu

Opening of People's Assembly: Nnimmo Bassey

Opening of People's Assembly: Hans Herren

Opening of People's Assembly: Renate Kunast

Opening of People's Assembly : Press questions

Opening of People's Assembly: Press questions 2

Dr Vandana Shiva opens the People's Assembly - Interview, 14 October 2016

People's Assembly - Owning Life

Ruchi Shroff, People's Assembly, 14 October 2016

People's Assembly Poisoning Life, 14 October 2016