Local People’s Assemblies – Guidelines

People’s Assemblies for the Future of our Food and Future of Our Planet are self-organised events with the aim to place criminal corporations that threaten the health of our planet under a public trial to take stock of the harm that Monsanto and co. have done to our environment, to public health, to scientific and regulatory independence and to our freedom and democracy.
People’s Assemblies also aim at laying out a collective vision through participatory planning at the local level towards a future we all want, that is GMO free, poison free, fossil fuels free, patent free, “free trade“- free, and free of corporate control.

We invite people and communities everywhere – seed savers, gardeners, farmers, mothers, chefs, schools, universities, local authorities, doctors, lawyers, citizens, etc… to organize a local People’s Assembly anywhere – gardens, farms, a field, town halls, public squares, community facility, church yards, school, college, university… – and invite all friends and families, movements and institutions to attend.

The format is yours to shape – here are some ideas:

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– sign the Pact for the Earth and for Each Other and reclaim your power as Earth Citizens to protect the Planet through our food systems;
– organize a seed exchange to celebrate your Seed Freedom and as a commitment to not accept patents on seed;
– plant a garden of hope;
– organize a bread/food festival to celebrate Our Bread is Our Freedom

Let us always remember that We the People as citizens of the Earth, allied as a Planetary Alliance, have more power than the Poison Cartel.

How to share your event

1. Announcement

Add your upcoming People’s Assembly/action/event to the Seed Freedom calendar with the date/s, a short description, an image of your choice and available links (your website, social media, etc…):

Fill event form: http://seedfreedom.info/events/submit-your-event/

For Events near you, visit: http://seedfreedom.info/events/

2. Outcome

Send us findings and resolutions in writing and videos and/or photos of your local People’s Assembly on the Future of our Food, Future of our Planet. Email: submit [@] peoplesassembly.net

The two aspects that should be addressed are:

1. Identify the harm Monsanto and co. have done in your local community and region. The role of Monsanto and its products in your area – Roundup, GMOs, Patents and Royalties, genetic contamination, attack on scientists, corruption of officials and elected representatives, dismantling and deregulating laws for safety and farmers’ rights to seed. Hold a public trial of the corporate criminals destroying our species, biodiversity, our health, the health of our children, our democracy.

2. Identify the initiatives in your area that people are taking to create poison free, GMO free, patent free, fossil fuel free, corporate control free local food systems and local food communities in your area, including initiatives for seed saving, organic farming, urban and school gardens, local farmers markets, CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture), ethical purchasing groups, etc…
Chart the vision you have for a GMO free, chemical free future, as well as a vision for Seed Freedom and Food Freedom for 2020 and a transition plan on how to get there. If you wish, form discussion groups, create kids’ and adults’ drawings, vision boards, and artworks.
Create a people’s alliance to continue the democratic process to stop the war criminals in our food systems and create a non violent, healthy and abundant food system. Sow the seeds of Life, Sow the seeds of Freedom.


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