Ecuador: Seed Guardians join People’s Assembly

Hello Friends, We are reaching out to all of our Earth Loving friends with this opportunity to build a global wave of goodness to help the SEEDS!!!

We are thrilled that Vandana Shiva and Navdanya are busy preparing for the Tribunal at the Hague to finally bring Monsanto to trial! Thank you!

We know you love to make things happen that are GOOD for Madre Tierra  we’re inviting you to join up with this SEED MANDALA ART ACTION!

We envision digital mailboxes, news coverage and FaceBook pages flooded with beautiful images of people making Mandala Art with Seeds onOct 22!  This will create a powerful

message from the grassroots and The People directly to the corporatacracy saying:
Access to seed is a basic human right, and includes the right to acquire,
adapt, multiply, exchange, give away and sell the seeds. …Food sovereignty
and the future of our species today depends on this right.”
This video is the “template” for the actions to occur all around the world on October 22. v=vwVcPJCylTM    Beautiful!! 1.30 min.
AND Please sign our petition! -person-on-earth-protect-seed- freedom-and-ban-gmosOctober 22--

More info:
In Spanish:
Pass on FB: 
PAS Proteccion Ancestral Semillas Ecuador

join in solidarity with the Human Family to unite in this Global Peaceful ART ACTION on October 22–
by coordinating making mandalas of seeds in your most public plaza.

         Invite the press & publish widely on social media

Currently there is a proposed law before the national congress of Ecuador that would disable the existing constitutional law which prohibits Genetically Modified Seed (GMOs). Ecuador inspired the world with its protection of nature’s rights and prohibition of GMO’s in it’s constitution in  2008. That makes it one of the most GMO-free countries in the world. Since much of the world has suffered contamination with Genetically Modified Seed, we are asking for help from our global family to protect the existing Ecuadorean ban on GMOs. Ecuador’s extraordinary biodiversity is a living seed bank!!! Saving the seed heritage in this small Andean country is very important in the unfolding of current global events. Ecuador did not sign the UPOV 91 trade agreement, which means that Ecuador is providing a model for other countries in terms of  protection of food sovereignty, including saying no to the TPP–up until now. These facts, plus the impending Bayer-Monsanto merger makes it timely for the Human Family to unite in this global action.

    We are proposing that people everywhere get
onboard and organize community events to make
    Mandala Seed Art Actions everywhere–in small pueblos, large cities, nationally and globally
   on October 22.
October 22

Please join in our peaceful global action to protect human rights to own, share and plant seeds, and to give a loud and clear message to governments and business around the globe– we believe that the Government and business do not need to control what nature already manages very well.

This new law, currently being considered by the EC national congress,  would make all seed illegal that is not “certified seed”. Under the guise of “protecting biodiversity” and “improving genetics”, this law would dismantle the GMO prohibition. The proposed law directly threatens the country’s extraordinary biodiversity, access to healthy food, and the health of its citizens, putting the best interest of the entire country in the hands of corporate powers.

In Ecuador, over 500 organizations are working in collaboration to this threat to our seed freedom. From their inspiring platform: Seed is a common good that belongs to humankind. It can not be an object of appropriation on the part of private interests, nor on the part of the State. Similar to the air, the sun, or the smile of our children, our seeds belong equally to every human being on the planet, and not can be treated as a strategic resource from any nation or interest in particular. Access to seed is a basic human right, and includes the right to acquire, adapt, enhance, multiply, exchange, give away and sell the seeds. …Food sovereignty and the future of our species today depends on this right.”
For more

We support  free exchange of natural and ancestral seed that has brought Ecuador and the Andes to a brilliant level of biodiversity and has served life very well over the centuries. “Certification of Seeds” speaks of control by transnational companies that will limit the basic human right to grow, own, exchange, give and receive seeds freely. The plan: this is our global plan. We need you – Yes, you who are reading this – to organize (or help to organize) this event in your area. We are the ones we have been waiting for! Simply call your friends and begin to organize this event wherever you are.
Saturday, October 22, 2016, at 11 h 30 
Walk in gratitude for our ancestral seeds. We support creation in its natural perfection.
We act to protect the lives of our children and grandchildren.

For simple steps for
How to create a Seed Mandala Art Action Event.  

English: www.protectancientseeds.weebly .com                   
Spanish: www.pasproteccionancestralsemi 
Facebook: proteccion ancestral semillas

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